The Environment

Baiona, hospitable town and used to welcoming visitors, is a mandatory stop on the Portuguese way along the coast.
Once you put a foot in the village, you will find out that Baiona has a big fishing tradition and the sea plays an essencial role in the lives of its people. You will find different beaches where you can enjoy the Atlantic and nautical sports, that have been acquiring relevance in the area for the last few years, and you will even be able to travel to the paradisiacal Cíes Islands, thanks to the boat trips that are organized from our sea port.
In its streets you will have all the services you need, highlighting the great hospitality sector (where can you eat better than in Galicia?) with multiple leisure options , both day and night. If you are also interested in heritage, you are in the right place. In our village, especially in the old town, declared of historical-artistic interest, there are many attractive cultural, architectual and religious assets, of great value.
It will be impossible to stay only one day!
If you need any further information about Baiona, you can check the council tourism web: www.turismodebaiona.com
The Portuguese way by the coast
During the Middle Ages there were a lot of roads that crossed the territory on the way to Santiago de Compostela, with the roads from Portugal, having special importance.
Inside these pilgrimage ways, experts include the so-called portuguese coast walk, which runs from A Guarda to Redondela, where it meets the traditional Portuguese coastal walk to get to Santiago.
This route was followed by pilgrims from the most western lands, those from oversea countries arriving at the Portuguese ports to reach Compostela following this old coastal walk. Its importance is corroborated by place names, elements of Xacobean devotion and ancients hospitals and hostels that attended pìlgrims such as those of Viana do Castelo and Caminha. From here they crossed the Miño river in a boat to the Galician shore of A Pasaxe, in the current council or A Guarda, to keep crossing the towns of O Rosal, Oia, Baiona, Nigrán and Vigo, until arriving at Redondela, where they continued the same route that the pilgrims from the Portuguese walk that runs through the interior.
If you need any further information about Baiona, you can check the council tourism web: www.baiona.org